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Site announcements

#NewCourseAlert: Soybean Production

by Yovina-Claire Pauig -

If you want to hit your protein goals, aim for 0.8 to 1.5 grams per pound of your body weight each day. An easy way to do this is by eating a cup of cooked soybeans which contains approximately 29 grams of protein. It’s a delicious and healthy option!

Learn how to grow soybean through our online course on Soybean Production. 

This is a four-module course brought to us by the Agricultural Training Institute in Caraga Region.

Enroll now for FREE and learn at your own pace and time.

#NewCourseAlert: Cassava Production

by Yovina-Claire Pauig -

Did you know that Cassava is considered a super crop? This is because it can grow in tough conditions, like low soil fertility or during a prolonged drought. This makes it an essential food source in many parts of the world.

Enroll now in our latest course on Cassava Production and discover how to successfully grow and cultivate cassava. Through this course, you will learn about the different varieties of cassava suitable under Philippine conditions; the characteristics of different pests and diseases of cassava and select its appropriate control; the recommended planting requirements for cassava; and some considerations for proper fertilizer application under various field conditions.

This course was developed by the Agricultural Training Institute in Eastern Visayas.

Enrollment in all our online courses is FREE.

#NewCourseAlert: Fundamentals of Community Organizing

by Yovina-Claire Pauig -

In agricultural extension, community organizing involves mobilizing people within a community to identify and address issues that affect their livelihoods. In other words, it entails a community working together to get things done. As such, it aims for DEVELOPMENT that is OF, BY, and FOR the PEOPLE.

Learn more about this in our course on Fundamentals of Community Organizing.

This e-Learning course is brought to you by the Agricultural Training Institute in Davao Region.

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