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Site announcements

#NewCourseAlert: Food Safety Risk Analysis

by Yovina-Claire Pauig -

Do you want to learn about the different food safety hazards, and how you can manage and assess them? You will know more of that in our online course on Food Safety Risk Analysis: Concepts and Applications!

This latest e-Learning course contains four modules on food safety risk analysis, management, and assessment. It is the second course developed by Winrock International that is being offered through the e-Learning platform of the e-Extension Program for Agriculture and Fisheries.

The food safety course is also among the training modules under the Building Safe Agricultural Food Enterprises (B-SAFE) Project in the Philippines, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Enrollment now!


by Yovina-Claire Pauig -

Guyabano has been scientifically and traditionally proven to have great natural benefits. It helps lower fever, spasms, heart rate, and blood pressure. It also helps relieve pain, inflammation, and asthma. Consuming guyabano extract can also safely prevent cancer cells from forming while effectively slowing down tumor growth. It also helps stop the growth of harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, even as it stimulates digestion and stop convulsions.

For more tips on food and agriculture, like and follow us on Facebook, X, and Instagram (@atiinteractive). You can also join our Farmers’ Contact Center communities on Viber and Telegram.

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#NewCourseAlert: Introduction to Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)

by Yovina-Claire Pauig -

GAP1 announcementLearn the basics of Philippine Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in our latest e-Learning course “Introduction to Good Agricultural Practices”.

This is a four-module online course that discusses the concepts and principles of GAP, the minimum standards of GAP, as well as the requirements and processes leading to GAP certification, among others.

Developed by Winrock International, the course is one of the training modules under the Building Safe Agricultural Food Enterprises (B-SAFE) Project, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The project is being implemented in the Philippines through partnerships with different government agencies and private sector aiming to increase agricultural productivity, strengthen the compliance to sanitary and phytosanitary, and food safety regulations, other than expanding the trade of food and agricultural products in the country.

Winrock partners with the Agricultural Training Institute in the delivery of online courses to be part of the e-Learning platform of the e-Extension Program for Agriculture and Fisheries.

Enroll now!

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